Sunday, June 9, 2024

Supreme Court


New Things I learned 

I found out how the Supreme Court picks which cases to hear. They get thousands of requests each year but only choose a few, mainly those with big constitutional questions or cases where lower courts disagreed. I also learned about the Court's history, like how the number of justices changed over time. It started with six justices and now has nine. This change has been influenced by political and social issues over the years. 

The Most Important Thing

The main point that stood out to me is the Supreme Court makes sure that laws and actions follow the U.S. Constitution. This is crucial because their decisions can have a long-lasting impact on the whole country. It's important that the justices can make these decisions without political pressure, so they base their rulings on legal principles and the Constitution itself. The ensures that everyone's rights are protected and that laws are applied fairly. 

Visiting The US Supreme Court ...

Surprising Facts

What surprised me the most was learning that the Supreme Court operates mostly in silence. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes described it well when he said, " We are quiet, but it is the quiet of the storm center." I didn't realize how silent the Court is because I wasn't aware of the sheer number of cases they handle. Their decisions often go unnoticed unless it's a high-profile case. 

How My View Changed

These videos gave me a better understanding of how the Supreme Court works. I realized that their decision-making process is complex and thoughtful, not just a simple yes or no. Knowing the history and the detailed work behind each decision made me respect the justices more. 

The videos also showed me how the Supreme Court balances the other branches of government. This balance is crucial for a functioning democracy, and the Court adapts to changes in society.

United States Supreme Court Building ...

The U.S. Supreme Court plays an important role in American democracy by interpreting the Constitution and ensuring laws follow it. These videos helped me understand it's importance, how it works, and the impact of its decisions. By learning more about the Court's processes and history, I now have a greater understanding and respect for this institution. 


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